Other than visiting with family, we have been doing the norm around here: working, working out, homeschool, being the domestic goddess that I shouldn't have to be, and I was sick yesterday. That sick part wasn't fun. Luckily, it came and went quickly! I also don't enjoy being the domestic goddess. It just isn't my style. But, sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. That is life.
This past week I finally got around to teaching the girls how to tie their shoes. Bella picked it up quickly. The day that I taught her, all she wanted to do was tie my shoe the rest of the night. The next night, when she got home from her grandma's house, she asked if she could get one of my shoes so she could practice tying more.
She doesn't own one pair of tying shoes. We will correct that situation this weekend. A much overdue trip to Aguascalientes is in order. It has been just short of THREE months since we have been there! I know! Crazy! I was trying to recoup our savings since I reserved our beach trip AND bought plane tickets for the three of us to visit Indy this fall. But, it is time. Bella wants a pink pair of Converse All-Stars like Emily has.
We were at the grocery store the other day and I spotted something that made me so happy! FRENCH DRESSING!
I bought 3 bottles just in case they didn't have anymore. Since they were cheap, I figured it wouldn't hurt even if they didn't taste very good. Let's just say, that was the biggest disappointment! I have never seen French dressing in Mexico before. Finding it was like finding gold. It is my favorite dressing. My favorite brand is Western! YUM! This stuff tasted like crap!
We leave for the beach on May 14th. Just around the corner. We have it marked on our calendar so the girls can see how far away it is. They want to wear their swimsuits all the time. Here they are posing in them. Bella is wearing one that Mamaw sent a while back. Emily is wearing the new one I just bought her.
I don't want to jinx it or anything, but lately, it seems the girls are fighting a little less. They even show some love to each other now and again.
I need to catch up on my work from yesterday. All I did was sleep the whole day away. Now, down to business.