I am usually not the type of person that gets excited over the little things. Actually, I don't get *excited* that often. I am going to blame that on my personality. When things happen it is usually because I have planned it that way. All of you reading this blog know that I am pretty anal when it comes to anything.
Living here has changed that. I have been removed from my element and thrown into a place where nothing is familiar. So when I see something that is familiar I go crazy with excitement.
In this little town there isn't much in the way of grocery items that I would want or need. There is one store in particular that I always joke about only having cookies, rice, beans and cleaning products. The aisles are crowded with those. I should take pictures the next time I am there to show you what I mean. I can't talk total trash about that store because it does carry Dawn dish soap (the only place I have found it so far--I am brand loyal and that is a big problem here).
We found a gemstone the other day when we were driving back from the border. We needed to stop and buy a gift and a birthday cake for Jorge's little brother, Paul. He turned 8 on the 23th of October. We stopped at the Bodega (a branch of Wal-Mart) in the town that is about 20 minutes from our town, called San Juan. We walked through the automatic doors and I thought I heard the angels singing. It is just like a Wal-Mart. Big, lots of stuff like electronics, clothing, decor and groceries. The Bodega here in Jalos is small and has no variety of anything. Of course we found the actual Wal-Mart in Aguascalientes (about 1 1/2 hours from us), where we go every 3 weeks or so. But to go there is a much longer trip with toll roads. This place is like driving to Greenwood for us. I LOVE it!
I needed some groceries and certain ingredients that I know we don't have here so we went there today and I found a BIG jackpot. I have been craving brownies for a long time and couldn't find them but today that all changed. Jorge thought I was going to cry I was so happy when I saw them.

I have also found block and shredded mozzarella cheese, romaine lettuce, Welch's white grape juice, a oh so lovely frozen cheesecake, Kraft Singles (you know the slices of American cheese) and the list could go on.
They now have all their Christmas decorations out. Whoa! They are pricey. A standard set of lights to go on the tree are $19. I will be buying some items in the US and bringing them back.
I get to experience the joy of the small things down here. My mom always laughs when I tell her my crazy stories about finding items that I couldn't find before. I am sure there are plenty of things down here but there is a lack of those giant stores that carry everything under the sun here which makes finding things more difficult. Shopping in the US is easy and you can find anything. I am stuck here now so I will look forward to all the things that have yet to be found.