Seeing the girls and Jorge was just wonderful. Only 6 weeks had passed but the girls seemed different. Even their tiny voices seems a bit changed. They didn't want to let go of me and I felt the same way. Emily was especially clingy and even wanted to sleep with me the first night back. And I really don't need to mention how happy Jorge was to have me back.
I have been settling back into my old life and sprucing up the house the past week. It took some time to put everything away and get back into a normal routine.
Leave it to me to not ever let things lie untouched. I just want the house to feel extra homey and make everything more comfortable. So, I stirred everything up.
When we first moved here 2 years ago ( I KNOW, can you believe it has been 2 years!) Jorge bought our stove, washer and dryer used. It seems like the smart thing. We got the appliances we needed at a bargain price. Well, they have seen their day. The washer seems to do it's job well enough, but the dryer...that's another story. It burns our clothes. Even on the lowest temp setting it burns them. And the stove, it must be competing with the dryer. The lowest temp setting on the oven is around 400/410. And the burners on the stove top have only one setting...on. And when on they don't get very hot. I would would say it would be comparable to a low to medium heat. Kind of hard to boil things or simmer things. Basically cooking different dishes was always a task. So, we took care of that and bought a new stove and dryer.
The stove is AWESOME! It works like a stove should. I am going to test it out today making some goodies.
And look, it even had a temperature control gauge! Now I just need to learn celcius. Oh, I am so happy I could do a dance!
And, the dryer. Let's say for about 30 minutes it worked perfectly. That was until it caught on fire! We have to call Whirlpool for them to replace it. The portable dryer vent was (I am assuming) too close and up in flames it went. Luckily they will replace it.
So guess who had to hang dry the rest of the clothes. I wasn't go to make Jorge drag back in the old dryer and hook it up. I just hope they are fast with the replacement.
We also were in need of a new bed for Emily. She was ready to retire the crib. Jorge and I had a queen size bed and I had the idea of buying the new twin and taking Bella's existing twin and putting them together to make a king for me and Jorge. Then we could give the queen to the girls. It worked well!
Here is our new king sized bed with a newly covered headboard. Found this pretty fabric a Hancock Fabrics. I just love it.
And the girls' new queen size bed. Last night was the night they slept in it. After all the hitting, scratching, bitting and fighting, they finally closed their eyes and slept there ALL NIGHT LONG! Since I have been back most nights one or both of the girls find their way to our bed. I am over that and want to enjoy a bed free of little ones.
I found these cute butterfly lights at Big Lots for only $9. I thought they would look cute on the headboard. The girls love them. Now if I can just keep them from messing with them. I am sure the lifespan of these lights is limited. The butterflies are metal...easily broken when little hands keep bending them.
I also replaced the girls curtain...once again using a shower curtain. I think it is pretty darn cute.
For Christmas they got a play stove and a sink. And while I was in town I went to IKEA and bought this cute table and stools.
When I came down over Christmas we got a new TV stand. Our big TV is still being fixed...that is if they can track down the part to fix it. And you might notice I have a coffee table (actually it is two IKEA tables put together...only $7.99 a piece!).
Another Big Lot find...these glass with two bags of shells (total $14). I just think it looks nice.
I got a lot of fabric while I was in town...thanks to few people. I also got lots of crafty supplies so the girls and I can do fun projects. All these neat things deserve a space of their own. I now have a sewing/craft nook.
Oh! It all looks just fabulous Val! And that stove! 6 burners - even I'm a tad bit jealous with my mix and match appliances. (stove is white, fridge cream, dishwasher black). And where did you find the adorable toy stove and sink? Love them.
Oh, I'm so glad to see you back at your awesomenss. You are so good at home decorating/improvements. I just love your little home. Hopefully, you'll get your dryer replacement soon. But it was cute to see all the little clothes, all different colors hanging there. And at least you have a place to hang them. Oh, and I don't see how you handled six weeks without those little girls. I can't go that long without seeing my granddaughter.
Your house truly looks like your home!!! You've done a great job, and I hope your dryer is fixed soon!
Thanks for the nice comments about the new house decor. I finally do feel like I have a home here. It feels comfortable to be in this house.
I found the sink and stove (they also make a washer, dryer and refridgerator) at K-Mart. They were VERY affordable. The brand of them is My First Kenmore. I just found a link from Yahoo search. Here is a link:
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